Bioinformatics Seminar

The Bioinformatics Seminar is co-sponsored by the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Theory of Computation group at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). The seminar series focuses on highlighting areas of research in the field of computational biology. This year, we are hoping to highlight three topics: (1) evolution and computational approaches to modeling and understanding it, (2) generative AI for biology/biomedicine, and (3) algorithms for computational biology/genomics.

Fall 2005

Date Speaker Title Abstract
Sep. 12 Brian Tjaden
Characterizing non-coding RNA genes in prokaryotes
Sep. 19 Holiday
Sep. 26 Roderick Jensen
Umass Boston
Shotgun Microarrays: High-throughput Validation of Gene Expression Changes Using Multiple Platforms PDF
Oct. 3 Jeff Chuang
Boston College
Insights from Comparative Genomics: From Genome Organization to Regulatory Complexity PDF
Oct. 10 Holiday
(Columbus Day)
Oct. 17 Golan Yona
Mapping the protein space: From novel system topologies to semantically significant domain architectures and functional maps of the protein space. PDF
Oct. 24 No Lecture
Oct. 31 J. Waldispuhl
BC/MIT and P. Clote, BC
Energy landscape of k-point mutants of an RNA molecule PDF
Nov. 7 Charles Lawrence
Abuse of the Mode and an Ensemble Alternative PDF
Nov. 14 Oliver Brock
UMASS Amherst
Re-thinking Conformation Space Search for Protein Structure Prediction PDF
Nov. 21 Voichita Marinescu
A hidden Markov model-based method for transcription factor binding site prediction PDF
Nov. 28 Michael Brudno
University of Toronto
Reconstructing Ancestral Genome Order via Maximum Matching PDF

Past Terms

A listing of the Bioinformatics Seminar series home pages from prior terms.

Organizers and Information

The Bioinformatics Seminar is hosted by MIT Simons Professor of Mathematics and head of the Computation and Biology group at CSAIL Bonnie Berger. Professor Berger is also Faculty of Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology, Associate Member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Faculty of MIT CSB, and Affiliated Faculty of Harvard Medical School.

The seminar is announced weekly via email to members of the seminar's mailing list and to those on CSAIL's event calendar list. It is also posted in the BioWeek calendar.

Bonnie Berger:

Anna Sappington (TA):

To be added to the seminar's email announcement list or for any questions you have about the seminar, please mail and cc TA Anna Sappington (

If you plan to enroll in the associated course, 18.418/HST.504: Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, please contact Professor Berger ( and cc TA Anna Sappington ( for more information.