2024 Spring

Feb 13: Tatiana Engel (Princeton)

The dynamics and geometry of choice in premotor cortex


Feb 27:   Neelesh A. Patankar (Northwestern University)

A unified constrant formulation of immersed body techniques for coupled fluid-solid motion


Mar 5:   Paul Milewski (Penn State)

The Resonance of free-surface water waves in cylinders


Mar 12:  Arnaud Lazarus (Sorbonne Universite)  Note Room --* Bldg. 2, Room 131"

Exploiting periodicity in the dynamic stability of systems with time-varying properties


Mar 19:  Surya Ganguli (Stanford)  Note Room -- "Bldg. 4, Room 149"

Statistical mechanics of learning and optimization in neural networks


Mar 26: Spring Break - NO Seminar


Apr 9:  Howard Stone (Princeton) 

Capillary rise, thin films near edges, and surfactant spreading: New insights from self-similarity


Apr 16:  Albert-László Barabási (Northeastern)

Understanding the role of physicality in networks


Apr 23:  Saurabh Nath  (MIT)  -- Note "new" Room - "Bldg. 2, Room 131"

On the Frozen and the Infused


Apr 30:  Michael Baudoin (Universite de Lille)

Acoustic manipulation with the acoustic radiation force:  from acoustical tweezers to acoustic quantum analogues


May 7:  Arvind Murugan (University of Chicago)

Origin of non-equilibrium order


May 14:  Georgi Gary Rozenman  (MIT)

Exploring Quantum Mechanical and Optical Analogies through Surface Gravity Water Waves


May 21:  Jonasz Slomka (ETH Zurich)

How encounters at the microscale prime microbial interactions


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  • Organizers


    John Bush

    MIT Professor of Applied Mathematics


    Jörn Dunkel

    MIT Professor of Applied Mathematics


    Rodolfo Rosales

    MIT Professor of Applied Mathematics