The Physical Mathematics Seminar is devoted to the mathematical modeling of real scientific experiments and engineering systems.
Room 2-449
Tuesdays, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Feb. 12: Alexander Mietke (MIT, MPI-PKS, MPI-CBG)
Self-organised dynamics of curved and deforming active surfaces
Feb. 19: Vincenzo Vitelli (University of Chicago)
Odd Elasticity
(Note: Seminar will be held in Room 2-131)
Mar. 5: APS March Meeting Boston
Mar. 12: Tapio Ala-Nissila (Aalto University)
Theory of Driven Polymer Translocation through Nanopores
Mar. 19: Andrea Cairoli (Imperial College London)
Hydrodynamics of Active Levy Matter
Mar. 26: Vacation
Apr. 2: Paulo Arratia (Unversity of Pennsylvania)
Life in Complex Fluids
Apr. 16: Vacation
Apr. 23: Matej Krajnc (Princeton University)
Solid-fluid transition in tissues with nonlinear stochastic junctional dynamics
Apr. 30: G. Bard Ermentrout (University of Pittsburg)
If space turned out to be time: Resonances in the visual cortex
(Joint with Numerical Methods for PDEs Seminar)
May 7: Sujit Datta (Princeton University)
Heterogeneous dynamics of cells and gels in complex spaces
May 14: Paul Steen (Cornell University)
Droplet motions fill a periodic table
MIT Professor of Applied Mathematics
MIT Professor of Applied Mathematics