February 10: Jun Su. Review of the analytic and algebraic aspects of modular forms, and of Galois representations (Deligne-Serre, Sections 1-3). |
February 17: Vishal Arul. Representations associated to weight 1 forms: statement of the main theorem, and beginning of the proof (Deligne-Serre, Sections 4-5). |
February 24: Nicholas Triantafillou. Representations associated to weight 1 forms: end of the proof, and applications (Deligne-Serre, Sections 6-9). |
March 3: Alex Best. Converse to Herbrand's theorem: construction of a cusp form (Ribet 1976, Section 3) |
March 10: NO SEMINAR (travel to Arizona Winter School) |
March 17: Atticus Christensen. Converse to Herbrand's theorem: passing from the cusp form to a Galois representation and to the class group (Ribet 1976, Sections 4, 2, and 1) |
March 24: Isabel Vogt. Serre's conjecture on 2-dimensional representations (Serre, Lettre à J.-F. Mestre) |
March 31: NO SEMINAR (Spring Break) |
April 7: Borys Kadets. The Picard-Lefschetz formula, and quaternions and modular curves (Ribet 1990, Section 2 and beginning of Section 3) |
April 14: Lynnelle Ye. Quaternions and modular curves, continued (Ribet 1990, continuing in Section 3) |
April 21: NO SEMINAR (AGNES) |
April 28: Zijian Yao. Mazur's Theorem and the beginning of level changing (Ribet 1990, Section 5 and 6 and parts of 7 and 8) |
May 5: Chi-Yun Hsu. End of level changing (Ribet 1990, Section 7 and 8) |
May 12: Alex Smith. Bad reduction of Shimura curves (Ribet 1990, Section 4) |
Organizers: Atticus Christensen, Borys Kadets, and Bjorn Poonen (with some advice from Ben Howard and Ken Ribet)