September 8: François Charles: Overview of topic and organizational meeting. Periods, motivic Galois groups, P^1 minus three points, result of Brown. |
September 15: Isabel Vogt: Belyi's theorem. |
September 22: Padmavathi Srinivasan: Tannakian categories. |
September 29: Renée Bell: Periods and cohomology of algebraic varieties. |
October 6: David Corwin: Topological aspects of the fundamental group of the projective line minus three points. |
October 13: NO SEMINAR (Holiday) |
October 20: Koji Shimizu: Motivic aspects of the fundamental group of the projective line minus three points. |
October 27: Yunqing Tang: Multiple zeta values and their relationship with the fundamental group of the projective line minus three points. Mixed Tate motives over the integers. |
November 3: Ruthi Hortsch: Definition of motives. Borel's Theorem (in algebraic K-theory). |
November 10: NO SEMINAR (Holiday) |
November 17: Chao Li: Galois group of the mixed Tate module of the integers and its motivic K-theory. |
November 24: Nicholas Triantafillou: Initial results on multiple zeta values. |
December 1: David Corwin: Reduction of Brown's theorem. |
December 8: Padmavathi Srinivasan: Proof of Brown's theorem. |
Organizers: François Charles and Ruthi Hortsch