September 9: Yuzhou Gu. Berkovich analytification, tropicalization, models over DVRs, initial degeneration (Gubler, Sections 2-5) |
September 16: Changho Han. Skeleton of an annulus, semistable decompositions and skeleta of curves (Baker-Payne-Rabinoff, Sections 2 and 3) |
September 23: NO SEMINAR (Student holiday) |
September 30: Dennis Tseng. Semistable models and the Poincaré-Lelong formula (Baker-Payne-Rabinoff, Section 4) |
October 7: NO SEMINAR (Building 2 dedication and retreat) |
October 14: Soohyun Park. Metric structure on an analytic curve (Baker-Payne-Rabinoff, Section 5), divisor theory on metric graphs (Lecture 8 of the Seminar on tropical Brill-Noether theory) |
October 21: Mitchell Lee. Jacobians of metric graphs (Baker-Faber Theorem 4.1; see also Mikhalkin-Zharkov) |
October 28 at 5:30pm: Nicholas Triantafillou. Skeleton of the Jacobian: overview and uniformization (Baker-Rabinoff, Sections 1-4, but most of Section 3 was covered in more detail in the previous week) |
November 4: NO SEMINAR (AGNES) |
Thursday November 10, 5-7pm in 2-139: Geoffrey Smith. Skeleton of the Jacobian: retraction of divisors and divisor classes, end of proof (Baker-Rabinoff, Sections 5 and 6) |
November 11: NO SEMINAR (Veterans Day) |
Thursday November 17, 5-7pm in 2-135: Chi-Yun Hsu. p-adic integration (McCallum-Poonen, and Section 3 of the Katz, Rabinoff, Zureick-Brown paper in Duke) |
November 25: NO SEMINAR (Thanksgiving Break) |
December 2: Alex Smith. Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on curves of small Mordell-Weil rank (Katz, Rabinoff, Zureick-Brown) |
December 9: Lynnelle Ye. Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on curves of small Mordell-Weil rank, continued (Katz, Rabinoff, Zureick-Brown) |
Organizers: Bjorn Poonen, Dhruv Ranganathan, Geoffrey Smith, and Isabel Vogt