MIT Lie Groups Seminar

2024 - 2025

Meetings: 4:00pm on Wednesdays

This seminar will take place either in-person or online. For in-person seminars, it will be held at 2-139. You are welcome to join in-person seminars by Zoom. For remote participation, the Zoom link is the same as last year's. You can email Ju-Lee Kim for the Zoom meeting Link and for the passcode to access videos of talks.

Spring 2025

  • Feb 5

    Lucas Mason-Brown


    The FPP Conjecture for Real Reductive Groups

    Abstract: The FPP Conjecture of Barbasch and Adams-van Leeuwen-Miller-Vogan proposes a strong upper bound on the unitary dual of a real reductive group. In this talk, I will review what is known about the structure and shape of the unitary dual and then sketch a short proof of the FPP conjecture. This is based on recent joint work with Dougal Davis.

  • Feb 12

    Griffin Wang


    Tetrahedral Symbol and Relative Langlands Duality

    Abstract: In the quantum theory of angular momentum, the Racah--Wigner coefficient, often known as the 6-j symbol, is a numerical invariant assigned to a tetrahedron with half-integer edge-lengths. The 6 edge-lengths may be viewed as representations of SU(2) satisfying certain multiplicity-one conditions. One important property of the 6j symbol is its hidden symmetry outside the tetrahedral ones, originally discovered by Regge. In this talk, we explore a generalized construction, dubbed tetrahedral symbol, in the context of rank-1 semisimple groups over local fields, and explain how the extra symmetries may be explained by relative Langlands duality. Joint work with Akshay Venkatesh.

  • Feb 19

    Patrick Bieker


    Non-normality of Schubert varieties in affine Grassmannians

    Abstract: Schubert varieties in finite dimensional flag varieties are normal and satisfy many nice geometric properties regardless of the characteristic of the ground field. Similarly, Faltings, Pappas-Rapoport and Lourenço in full generality proved the normality of Schubert varieties in affine flag varieties whenever the characteristic of the ground field is either zero or big enough. Recently, Haines-Lourenco-Richarz showed that such normality results fail in general in small positive characteristic. In my talk, I will discuss the classification of (non-)normal Schubert varieties in affine Grassmannians. This is based on joint work with Timo Richarz.

  • Feb 26

    Elijah Bodish


    Spin link homology

    Abstract: I will explain how folding can be applied to Khovanov-Rozansky's SL(2n) homology to give a new approach to categorifying the Spin(2n + 1) Reshetikhin-Turaev link polynomial. To develop this new approach, I will mention: skew Howe duality, categorical braid group actions, and i-quantum groups. This is based on joint work with B.Elias and D. Rose (arXiv:2407.00189).

  • Mar 5

    Hao Peng


    Fargues-Scholze vs. classical local Langlands, and applications

    Abstract: For general reductive groups over a $p$-adic local field, Fargues and Scholze constructed a (semi-simplified) local Langlands with many good properties. On the other hand, classical local Langlands correspondences are known for classical groups via endoscopy theory and theta lifting. We review the construction of Fargues-Scholze and related geometric objects, and prove these two correspondences are compatible for all unramified special orthogonal and unitary groups. As an application, we prove torsion vanishing results for orthogonal Shimura varieties, generalizing results of Caraiani-Scholze, Koshikawa, Santos and Hamann-Lee, etc..

  • Mar 12

    Xin Jin
    (Boston College)


    Multiplicative universal centralizer: Bruhat stratification, cluster structure and applications

    Abstract: The universal centralizer of a complex reductive group plays an important role in geometric representation theory. Aside from the standard group scheme structure, it possesses a natural Bruhat decomposition (and consequently a ''parabolic induction" structure) that makes the geometry quite explicit, and has many applications.

    The multiplicative version of the universal centralizer possesses a similar feature but has much richer (and more complicated) algebraic geometric structures. I will talk about recent results on several geometric features of the multiplicative universal centralizer. These include (a complete description of) a natural Bruhat stratification and the cluster structure on it. I will also talk about several applications. This is based on joint work with Ben Webster.

  • Mar 19

    Jiepeng Fang
    (Hong Kong)


  • Mar 19

    Chi-Heng Lo


    Desiderata and Uniqueness of the Local Langlands Correspondence

    Abstract: Desiderata and Uniqueness of the Local Langlands Correspondence

    The local Langlands conjecture predicts a "canonical" bijection between the set of smooth irreducible representations of a $p$-adic reductive algebraic group $G$ and the set of enhanced $L$-parameter of $G$, known as the local Langlands correspondence (LLC). There are several constructions of LLC, either on specific types of groups or on special classes of representations. The comparison between different constructions of LLC is a non-trivial problem. In this talk, I will introduce a list of desiderata of LLC for general quasi-split $p$-adic group $G$. Then, I will show that when $p$ is sufficiently large, the LLC that satisfies these desiderata is unique (if it exists). This is a joint work with Tasho Kaletha and Cheng-Chiang Tsai.

  • Mar 26

    Spring break

  • Apr 2

    Cris Negron


  • Apr 9

    Anlong Chua


  • Apr 16

    Yiannis Sakellaridis


  • Apr 23

    Thomas Hameister


  • Apr 30


  • May 7

    Chen Wan


  • May 14

Fall 2024

  • Sep 11

    David Vogan


    Restricting real group representations to K

    Abstract: It's an old idea of Harish-Chandra that representations of a real reductive G can be studied by understanding their restrictions to a maximal compact K. Traditionally this was done using the Cartan-Weyl highest weight theory for K representations.

    I will recall a (closely related but very different) description of K representations, in which the highest weight is replaced by the Harish-Chandra parameter of a discrete series on a Levi subgroup of G. Using this new parameter, one can define a very natural "height" of a representation of K, taking non-negative integer values. As evidence that height is natural, I offer

    Conjecture. Suppose G is split, and pi_1 and pi_2 are two (minimal) principal series representations of G. If pi_1 and pi_2 have the same restriction to the center of G, then the sets of heights of K-types of pi_1 and of pi_2 are the same.

    For example, split G_2 has principal series having two different restrictions to K. In each, the first heights appearing are

    0, 3, 6, 9, 10,12, 15...

    F4 has principal series representations having three different restrictions to K. But in all three, the first heights appearing are

    0, 8, 11, 15,16, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 36....

    The numbers for split E_8 (which also has three types of principal series) are

    0, 29, 46, 57, 58, 68, 75, 84, 87, 91, 92...

    It seems more or less impossible to find a similar statement using highest weights. I will give some evidence for this conjecture.

    Of course there should be an elementary construction of these sequences of heights from the root system of G and the central character; I have no idea how to make such a construction.

    If there is time, I will talk about the possibility of finding parallel statements for p-adic groups.

  • Sep 18

    Ting Xue
    (University of Melbourne, Australia)


    Cuspidal character sheaves on graded Lie algebras

    Abstract: We explain a uniform construction of cuspidal character sheaves on Z/mZ-graded Lie algebras. We show that they all arise from the Fourier-Sato transform of nearby cycle sheaves associated to very special supercuspidal data. These data essentially come from Lusztig’s cuspidal character sheaves on (ungraded) reductive Lie algebras. We make use of Lusztig-Yun’s work on graded Lie algebras where all simple perverse sheaves on the nilpotent cone (Fourier-Sato transforms of character sheaves) are produced via spiral induction. This is based on joint work with Wille Liu, Cheng-Chiang Tsai and Kari Vilonen.

  • Sep 25

    Xinchun Ma
    (University of Chicago)


    Rational Cherednik algebras and torus knots

    Abstract: In this talk, we will explore how the Khovanov-Rozansky homology of the (m,n)-torus knot can be extracted from the finite-dimensional representation of the rational Cherednik algebra at slope m/n, equipped with the Hodge filtration. This result confirms a conjecture of Gorsky, Oblomkov, Rasmussen, and Shende. Our approach involves constructing a family of coherent sheaves on the Hilbert scheme of points on the plane, coming from cuspidal mirabolic D-modules.

  • Oct 2

    Yakov Varshavskyy
    (Hebrew University, visiting MIT)


    From character sheaves to characters of Deligne-Lusztig representations via categorical traces

    Abstract: A very important result of Lusztig asserts that characters of Deligne--Lusztig representations are obtained by the sheaf-to-function correspondence from character sheaves. The goal of my talk is to outline a proof of a generalization of this result using the categorical trace machinery. This is a joint work in progress with Dennis Gaitsgory and Nick Rozenblyum.

  • Oct 9

    Max Gurevich


    Ramification of weak Arthur packets for p-adic groups

    Abstract: A microlocal approach to Arthur theory for p-adic groups was revisited by Ciubotaru-Mason-Brown-Okada, suggesting that some endoscopic Arthur packets can be closely approximated by an analogue: The collection of irreducible representations whose Gelfand-Kazhdan dimension is minimal among those that admit a prescribed infinitesimal character.

    In joint work with Emile Okada, we refined this heuristic into a precise characterization for split symplectic and odd orthogonal groups. A key added ingredient are the 'weakly spherical' representations - those admitting non-zero vectors invariant under a maximal compact, not necessarily hyperspecial, subgroup.

    Roughly, we discovered that the microlocal packets are unions of those endoscopic packets that contain a weakly spherical representation, with the union's structure governed by nilpotent cone geometry. In particular, by relating Arthur parameters to Springer theory, it appears that weak sphericity corresponds to parameters factoring through Lusztig's canonical quotient associated with the relevant nilpotent orbit.

  • Oct 16

    Dennis Gaitsgory
    (MPI Bonn)


    Algebro-geometric version of the Fargues-Scholze Bun_G

    Abstract: I’ll describe an ongoing project, joint with Arnaud Eteve, Alain Genestier and Vincent Lafforgue. We start with an algebro-geometric incarnation of the Fargues-Scholze D(Bun_G), given by the category of sheaves on the loop group equivariant with respect to Frobenius-twisted conjugacy, and our goal is to define on it a ‘spectral’ action of QCoh of the stack of arithmetic local systems. This is achieved by a fusion procedure. In the process one has to resolve difficulties associated with taking nearby cycles along a multi-dimensional base.

  • Oct 23

    Tom Gannon


    Quantization of the universal centralizer and central D-modules

    Abstract: We will discuss work, joint with Victor Ginzburg, on certain quantizations (or non- commutative deformations) of objects and morphisms of interest in the geometric Lang- lands program. First, we will discuss the quantization of a morphism of group schemes used by Ngô in his proof of the fundamental lemma, which confirms a conjecture of Nadler. Afterwards, we will discuss how this morphism can be used to construct a D-module ana- logue of a recent equivalence proved by Bezrukavnikov–Deshpande in the ℓ-adic setting, identifying a certain braided monoidal subcategory of the category of G-equivariant D- modules on G known as vanishing D-modules with the category of a modules for a ring known as the spherical nil-DAHA. We will also explain the construction of a certain bi- module isomorphism used to construct this braided monoidal equivalence, whose existence was originally conjectured by Ben-Zvi–Gunningham.
    Time permitting, we will also discuss another application of our methods: a proof of a conjecture of Braverman and Kazhdan, known as the exactness conjecture, in the D- module setting.

  • Oct 30

    Peter Dillery
    (U Maryland)


    Non-basic rigid packets for discrete L-parameters

    Abstract: We formulate a new version of the local Langlands correspondence for discrete L-parameters which involves (Weyl orbits of) packets of representations of all twisted Levi subgroups of a connected reductive group G through which a given parameter factors and prove that this version of the correspondence is true if one assumes the pre-existing local Langlands conjectures. Twisted Levi subgroups are crucial objects in the study of supercuspidal representations; this work is a step towards deepening the relationship between the representation theory of p-adic groups and the Langlands correspondence. This talk will also serve as a rough introduction to the refined local Langlands correspondence (and its generalizations). This is joint work with David Schwein.

  • Nov 6

    Kevin McGerty


    Isomorphisms of symplectic reflection algebras

    Abstract: A symplectic reflection group $W$ is a finite subgroup of $\mathrm{Sp}(V)$ the group of automorphisms of a symplectic vector space which is generated by symplectic reflections (\emph{i.e.} a non-trivial element of $\mathrm{Sp}(V)$ whose fixed-point locus has maximal dimension). To such a group, Etingof and Ginzburg attached an associative algebra, $\mathcal S(W,V)$, the symplectic reflection algebra. We will describe a natural class of isomorphisms between such algebras which we (unimaginatively) call admissible.

    In the case where $W$ is a complex reflection group and $V = \mathfrak h \oplus \mathfrak h^*$ is the cotangent bundle of a reflection representation of $W$, the symplectic reflection algebra is a rational Cherednik algebra $\mathcal H(W, \mathfrak h)$, and the notion of admissibility is a rigid enough that we can completely classify its admissible star operations. When $W$ is a real reflection group such operations are a torsor for $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb C)$ but when $W$ is non-real, it turns out that there are essentially only two such star operations. Time permitting we will discuss how these interact with the "trigonometric" presentation of $\mathcal H(W,\mathfrak h)$ and conjectures of Etingof and Shelley-Abrahamson on unitary representations of rational Cherednik algebras.

  • Nov 9-11


    Representation Theory Days

  • Nov 13

    Tom Haines
    (U Maryland)


    On the cohomology of simple Shimura varieties at non-quasi-split primes

    Abstract: Kottwitz introduced certain compact ''fake'' unitary group Shimura varieties and determined their local Hasse-Weil zeta functions at primes of good reduction. For primes $p$ where the level is arbitrarily deep, the local Hasse-Weil zeta functions were further studied in the case of signature $(1,n-1)$ and $p$-adic uniformization (by Xu Shen), and in the case of arbitrary signature but under the assumption that the group at $p$ is a product of Weil restrictions of general linear groups (by Scholze and Shin). In this talk, I will explain joint work with Jingren Chi in which we generalize the above works by allowing the group at $p$ to be any inner form of a product of Weil restrictions of general linear groups. New phenomena arise when the group at $p$ is not quasi-split, both in geometry and in harmonic analysis. A key result is a crucial vanishing property of twisted orbital integrals of Scholze's test functions at $p$. This talk will try to highlight the difficulties which arise and explain how they are resolved for these special examples of Shimura varieties.

  • Nov 20

    Eric Opdam
    (Univ. Amsterdam, visiting MIT)


    Nonsymmetric shift operators for Dunkl-Cherednik operators

    Abstract: Trigonometric Dunkl-Cherednik operators provide a representation of Cherednik’s trigonometric double affine Hecke algebra. We present a the- orem of existence and uniqueness of ”nonsymmetric shift operators” for these Dunkl-Cherednik operators. These are trigonometric differential- reflection operators which shift the parameters of the Dunkl-Cherednik operators by integers, and which restrict on the space of W -invariant poly- nomials to the well known hypergeometric shift operators. The latter are instrumental in the theory of symmetric Macdonald polynomials.

    Joint work with Valerio Toledano Laredo

  • Nov 27

    Thanksgiving week
    No Seminar

Contact: Roman Bezrukavnikov
Ju-Lee Kim
Zhiwei Yun
