G Arone,
A generalization of Snaith-type splitting, Trans. AMS 351 (1999)1123--1150.
G Arone, M Mahowald,
The Goodwillie tower of the identitiy functor and the unstable periodic homotopy of spheres,Invent. Math. 135 (1999) 743--788.
M Ching,
T Goodwillie,
Calculus I: The First Derivative of Pseudoisotopy Theory, K-Theory 4 (1990) 1--27.
T Goodwillie,
Calculus II: Analytic Functors, K-Theory 5 (1992) 295--332.
T Goodwillie,
Calculus III: Taylor Towers, arXiv:math/0310481v1
N Kuhn,
Goodwillie towers and chromatic homotopy: an overview
R McCarthy,
Relative algebraic K-theory and topological cyclic homology, Acta Math. 179 (1997) 197--222.
M Weiss,
Orthogonal Calculus
Feel free to e-mail the organizers regarding questions about the
seminar or requests pertaining to the corresponding mailing list:
Jennifer French (jfrench%math.mit.edu)
Samuel Isaacson (sbisaacs%math.harvard.edu)
Some links
Past Juvitop Seminars:
Spring 2007 focused on floer homology.
Fall 2006 focused on the Adams spectral sequence and computations in the stable homotopy groups of spheres.
Spring 2006 focused on stacks in topology
and homotopy theory.
Juvitop, Fall 2005
was dedicated to surgery theory.
Juvitop, Spring
was on Galois theory of structured ring spectra.
Other MIT topology seminars:
Babytop seminar
Topology seminar