This semester, the Juvitop seminar is focusing on stacks in topology and homotopy theory.
Talks are on Wednesdays at 4:30pm in 2-143.
Date | Lecturer | Subject |
March 15 | Tyler Lawson | Introduction, orbifolds |
March 22 | Vigleik Angeltveit | Sheaves, sites, and cohomology |
April 5 | Ricardo Andrade | Grothendieck topologies |
April 12 | Rekha Santhanam | Descent and Hopf algebroids |
April 19 | Barry Walker | Representable morphisms and sheaves |
April 26 | John Francis | The Landweber exact functor theorem |
May 3 | Josh Nichols-Barrer | Survey of various topologies |
May 10 | Mike Hill |
Orbifolds as groupoids: an introduction, by Ieke Moerdijk.
Complex oriented cohomology theories and the language of stacks. Lecture notes based on a course given by Mike Hopkins.
Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories, and descent theory, by Angelo Vistoli.
Foundations of topological stacks I, by Behrang Noohi.
Topological and smooth stacks, by David Metzler.
Stacks, by William Fulton.
Presheaves of ring spectra over the moduli stack of formal group laws, by Paul Goerss.
Stacks for everybody, by Barbara Fantechi.
Notes for Barry Walker's talk.
Juvitop Fall 2005 was on surgery theory.
Juvitop Spring 2005 was on Galois theory of structured ring spectra.
Juvitop Fall 2004 was on equivariant homotopy theory.