Cobordism and Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres, by Douglas
Ravenel. This book is currently published by the AMS and is also
It is probably the most complete reference for the subject and focuses
on the computational aspects of the theory.
Stable Homotopy and Generalised
Homology, by John Frank Adams. This book is a
classical reference for the Adams spectral sequence. It also discusses
(among other topics) complex oriented cohomology theories
and relations to formal group laws.
Bordism, Stable Homotopy and Adams
Spectral Sequences, by Stanley Kochman. This book features
detailed proofs of (most) of its results.
A User's Guide to Spectral Sequences,
by John McCleary. Chapter 9 is devoted to the Adams spectral sequence.
This book is a good source for various flavours of spectral sequences.
Cohomology Operations and Applications
in Homotopy Theory, by Robert Mosher and Martin Tangora. "The
subject matter of this book is adequately explained in its title."
(from a review by Larry Smith)
Feel free to e-mail the organizers regarding questions about the
seminar or requests pertaining to the corresponding mailing list:
Ricardo Andrade (rjaa -at- %)
Matthew Gelvin (gelvin -at- %)
(% =
Some links
The Juvitop seminar of Fall 2006 is now over. Here is a link for the
seminar, Spring 2007.
Here are some links for the previous editions of the Juvitop seminar:
Spring 2006 focused on stacks in topology
and homotopy theory.
Juvitop, Fall 2005
was dedicated to surgery theory.
Juvitop, Spring
was on Galois theory of structured ring spectra.
If you are interested in the other topology seminars organized at MIT,
here are the relevant links:
Babytop seminar
Topology seminar