Imaging and Computing Seminar
Yue Lu , SEAS, Harvard
Gigapixel Binary Sensing: Image Acquisition Using One-Bit Poisson Statistics
Before the advent of digital image sensors, photography, for the most part
of its history, used film to record light information. In this talk, I will
present a new digital image sensor that is reminiscent of photographic film.
Each pixel in the sensor has a binary response, giving only a one-bit
quantized measurement of the local light intensity.
To analyze its performance, we formulate the binary sensing scheme as a
parameter estimation problem based on quantized Poisson statistics. We show
that, with a single-photon quantization threshold and large oversampling
factors, the Cramer-Rao lower bound of the estimation variance approaches
that of an ideal unquantized sensor, that is, as if there were no
quantization in the sensor measurements. Furthermore, this theoretical
performance bound is shown to be asymptotically achievable by practical
image reconstruction algorithms based on maximum likelihood estimators.
Numerical results on both synthetic data and images taken by a prototype
sensor verify the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed
image reconstruction algorithm. They also demonstrate the benefit of using
the new binary sensor in applications involving high dynamic range imaging.
Joint work with Feng Yang, Luciano Sbaiz and Martin Vetterli.