Imaging and Computing Seminar
Vincent Jugnon , Ecole normale superieure, Ulm, France
Photo-acoustic imaging
In photoacoustics, one triggers an acoustic wave with electromagnetic
heating. The inverse problem is then to reconstruct the initial value of
the wave equation from ultrasound boundary measurements. In an ideal
frame, the problem has been thoroughly studied and inversion formulae
involving spherical Radon transform are available.
In this talk, I will address a number of non-idealities and the solutions
we developped to deal with them.
Modelling the EM heating is also of great importance in the photoacoustic
problem. The optical coefficients can be linked to the initial pressure
reconstructed from the acoustic inverse problem.
I will finish by discussing our recent work on more classic wave imaging
problems. I will develop an improvement of a topological derivative based
algorithm for the Helmholtz equation ans compare it with classic