Imaging and Computing Seminar
Russell Hewett , Computer Science, UIUC
Numerical Methods for Solar Tomography in the STEREO Era
Despite its proximity, our collective understanding of the physical processes
that drive the sun are incomplete. In particular, energetic and dynamic
phenomena, such as active regions, solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
and solar wind, all of which contribute to geoeffective events collectively
referred to as space weather, are not well understood. Knowledge of key
physical parameters of the solar corona (or solar atmosphere), such as
temperature and electron density, are critical to the understanding of the
processes that drive coronal activity. This talk surveys new developments in key aspects of the mathematical and computational problems
associated with the
empirical estimation of these coronal parameters, including constrained methods
for dynamic estimation, a phase field based level set method for tomography of
CMEs from extremely limited points-of-view, and a scalable algorithm for
constructing the tomographic projection matrices required for algebraic
reconstruction methods.