Imaging and Computing Seminar
Athanasios Polimeridis, EECS/RLE, MIT
Fast Integral Equation Solver for EM Analysis of High-Field MRI
We describe a fast method for estimating the fields in realistic human
body models. Such simulations are needed for coil and RF pulse
excitation design, specific absorption rate (SAR) prediction, and the
design of high-field and parallel-transmission MRI. From an
electromagnetic modeling perspective, the human body is a strongly
inhomogeneous scatterer and the numerical analysis in this case is by
no means trivial. In addition there is a strong drive in MRI
technology for higher resolution, which translates to higher
frequency. The combination of high dielectric contrast and high
frequency suggests a Ć¢hostileĆ¢numerical solvers, most commonly based
on partial differential equations methods, fail to meet the ever
increasing requirements for ultra-fast computations. In this talk, we
present a new class of volume integral equation methods that offer an
ideal platform for customized fast algorithms where maximal use of a
specific setting is possible. In the proposed approach the unknown
physical quantities can be fairly represented on uniform
tessellations, i.e., volumes decomposed into voxels, which is actually
the natural setting for MRI data. In this case, the governing
integral kernels are translational invariant and the associated
matrix-vector products can be accelerated with the help of FFT. Also,
the most computational intensive parts of our solver are
embarrassingly parallelizable and involve simple operations that can
be easily handled by GPU-accelerated libraries. The accuracy and
efficiency of the proposed framework is demonstrated in a realistic
scenario that considers electromagnetic scattering from a human body
model. The remarkable performance of our solver can be attributed
mainly to two key-features: the correct Galerkin discretization that
leads to fast convergence of the iterative solver without the need of
preconditioning, and the reduction of the original volume-volume
integrals to purely surface-surface integrals with smoother kernels,
which allows fast and accurate computation of the associated matrix
element by means of DEMCEM, an open-source software. Our novel volume
integral equation solver is currently being incorporated together with
other in-house algorithms in a general computational framework for
addressing a wide range of challenging applications in MRI device
optimization; a project in collaboration with MRI experts from MIT and
About the speaker:
Athanasios G. Polimeridis received the Diploma and the Ph.D. from the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. From 2008
to 2012, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at EPFL,
Switzerland. Currently he is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at
MIT, where he is a member of the Computational Prototyping Group
at the Research Laboratory of Electronics. His research interests
revolve around computational methods for problems in physics and
engineering (Electromagnetics, Casimir forces, MRI), with emphasis on
the development and implementation of integral-equation based
algorithms. In 2012, he was awarded a Swiss National Science
Foundation Fellowship for Advanced Researchers.