Laurent Demanet
Principal Investigator

Laurent Demanet is Professor of Applied Mathematics, in the Department of Mathematics at MIT. He holds a joint appointment with the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, where he is the Director of MIT's Earth Resources Laboratory.
Previously, he was Szego assistant professor (a postdoctoral position) in the Department of Mathematics at Stanford. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2006 under Emmanuel Candes, in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Caltech. He completed his undergraduate studies in mathematical engineering and theoretical physics at Universite de Louvain, Belgium.
He is the recipient of a Sloan research fellowship, a CAREER award from NSF, and a Young Investigator award from AFOSR. His research interests include applied analysis, scientific computing, machine learning, inverse problems, and wave propagation. His group studies the mathematical and numerical challenges of inverse wave scattering.
Contact Information
Telephone: 617-324-2614
Office: 2-247
Postal Address:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Building 2, Room 247
Cambridge, MA 02139