WIM News



That image of a black hole you saw everywhere? Thank Katie Bouman for making it possible

By Michelle Lou and Saeed Ahmed, CNN Updated 11:46 PM ET, Wed April 10, 2019 (CNN)Imagine trying to take a photo of an orange that’s on the moon with your smartphone. It seems impossible. That’s what it was like for scientists trying to capture an image of a black hole in space. Despite the tall […]

Lauren Williams PhD’05 gives Harvard’s Math Department a dose of algebraic combinatorics

Truth Values Play and Grad Student Workshop

STUDENT TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE General admission tickets are sold out for MIT alumna Gioia De Cari’s April 16 “Truth Values: One Girl’s Romp Through M.I.T.’s Male Math Maze.” However, STEM-based graduate students who identify as female are encouraged to apply for a special, FREEtwo-part “Truth Values” event. If accepted, these students will get preferred seating for the play, at Little Kresge Theater on […]

Women in mathematics aim for an equals sign

Female graduate students in the Department of Mathematics unite to encourage community and to extend an invitation to prospective MIT students. Laura Carter | School of Science MIT News March 25, 2019 Ten years had passed since 2008’s Women in Mathematics: A Celebration when a few graduate students in the Department of Mathematics approached a […]

Solving for fun (and sometimes prizes)

Senior Danielle Wang, a two-time Elizabeth Putnam Prize winner, is well on her way to becoming a career mathematician. Sandi Miller | Department of Mathematics March 27, 2019 One early Saturday morning in December, senior Danielle Wang took a seat alongside 164 others taking the 2018 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition in Walker Memorial. For six […]

Q&A: Professor Gigliola Staffilani on women in mathematics

More than a decade after creating the Celebration of Women in Mathematics at MIT, Staffilani talks about the present and future of women in the field. Laura Carter | School of Science April 3, 2019 In 2008, Gigliola Staffilani, the Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor in the Department of Mathematics, and former MIT assistant professor Katrin […]