As part of the 2023 SPUR/RSI Lecture Series, Tanya Khovanova and Lisa Sauermann gave talks this summer.

On July 6, Lisa talked about The Erdös-Ginzburg-Ziv Problem, a classical extremal problem in discrete geometry.

On July 12, Tanya discussed the MIT Mystery Hunt, a student event that takes place on the MIT campus every year since 1981. Khovanova presented three captivating mathematically rich puzzles for the audience to figure out.
The lecture series, which is organized by faculty advisor David Jerison, specifically targets the high school students participating in the Research Science Institute (RSI) and the undergraduate students in SPUR, the Math Dept.’s Summer Program in Undergraduate Research. SPUR was founded in 1997 by Professor Hartley Rogers.
The RSI/SPUR Lecture Series serves as a platform for distinguished mathematicians to share their expertise, cutting-edge research, and passion for the subject with the next generation of mathematical prodigies. The lectures cover a broad range of mathematical topics, from classical problems in discrete geometry to contemporary applications of mathematics in various fields.
Graduate students are encouraged to join this program as a mentor.