

Ananya Gurumurthy and Omomayowa A. Songonuga Recognized by 2022 MIT Awards Convocation

Ananya Gurumurthy ’23, at left, received MIT’s William L. Stewart Jr. Award for outstanding contributions to extracurricular activities and events. Omomayowa A. Songonuga ’22 received the Ronald E. McNair Scholarship Award established in Dr. McNair’s honor by the Black Alumni/ae of MIT, to recognize a Black undergraduate who has demonstrated strong academic performance and who has made a considerable […]

Ariana Park Receives Community Building Award

Junior Ariana Park received the Community Building Award for her work in developing the peer mentoring program. Congratulations!

Adela Zhang Receives Grad Appreciation Fellowship

MIT Mathematics Awards for Service to the Math Community

Awards were presented recently to several MIT Mathematics members for their outstanding contributions to building and strengthening our mathematics community: Graduate students Marisa Gaetz and Mary Stelow were recognized by the Department of Mathematics for their work as co-directors of PRIMES Circle and for many additional mentoring and managing roles. Postdocs Peter Baddoo and Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat were recognized for their work in bringing […]

New model helps identify mutations that drive cancer

The system rapidly scans the genome of cancer cells, could help researchers find targets for new drugs. Bonnie Berger, the Simons Professor of Mathematics at MIT and head of the Computation and Biology group at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), is a senior author of the study. Read more here

Barbara Peskin Receives Institute Excellence Award

Academic Administrator Barbara Peskin has been recognized by an Excellence Award in the Outstanding Contributor category at the 2022 Excellence Awards + Collier Medal celebration. She was recognized for her dedication to this department in general, and specifically to its educational mission. Barbara, who holds a 1980 PhD from the Department of Mathematics working with Professor Mike Artin, is […]