Anjali Nambrath is about to graduate from MIT with a double major in physics and mathematics, but her big project this winter didn’t center on neutrinos, the subject of her undergraduate thesis. Instead, she worked on translating “Hurlevents,” a Quebecois play by Fanny Britt, from French into English.
“I just fell in love with the play,” says Nambrath, who has also earned a minor in French. She started the translation project during class 21M.716 (Play Translation and Cultural Transmission), a class taught by professor of theater Claire Conceison. “It’s a play that entertains and makes you laugh, but in the end leaves you with serious issues to mull over. I think it’s nice when humor is used to gently introduce you to something.”
Nambrath, who has been involved with the Shakespeare Ensemble throughout her time at MIT, says her studies in the Institute’s arts and humanities fields are as important for her future as her training in the science fields. “I’ve learned just how special it can be to swap out the lenses with which you view the world,” she says.