

Hilary Finucane Receives NIH Award

Broad Institute Fellow Hilary Finucane PhD ’17 received the Early Independence Award from the National Institutes of Health. The award recognizes “exceptional junior scientists” with an opportunity to skip traditional postdoctoral training and move immediately into independent research positions. Her award was one of 86 grants given to scientists as part of the NIH Common Fund’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research (HRHR) program. […]

2017 Math Prize for Girls Awarded

Congratulations to the winners of the 9th annual Math Prize for Girls contest, which MIT hosted on Saturday, September 24, 2017. Gigliola Staffilani and School of Science Dean Michael Sipser are among the board of advisors for this event, which is held by Advantage Testing Foundation. The event welcomed 266 girls from across the US and Canada who competed for $55,000 in cash […]