In fall 2012 our topic was topological modular forms. Instead of feebly attempting to give reading recommendations, I would like to point to the magnificently comprehensive reading lists from the 2007 Talbot workshop and Nora Ganter's website .Schedule:
19th Sep: Topological Modular Forms - an Overview, by Mark Behrens
26th Sep: The Moduli Stack of Elliptic Curves, by Saul Glasman. Rough notes.
3rd Oct: The Supersingular Locus, by Charmaine Sia. Notes.
10th Oct: Complex Oriented Ring Spectra, by Geoffroy Horel
17th Oct: The Landweber Exact Functor Theorem and the Construction of Elliptic Cohomology, by Denis Nardin
24th Oct: -Ring Spectra and Obstruction Theory, by Michael Andrews
31st Oct: K(1)-Local Obstruction Theory, by Gijs Heuts
7th Nov: Homotopy Sheaves and the Descent Spectral Sequence, by Rune Haugseng
14th Nov: Bits and Pieces on the Construction of TMF, by Saul Glasman. Rough notes.
21st Nov: Thanksgiving; no seminar
28th Nov: The Homotopy Groups of TMF, by Akhil Mathew. Notes.
5th Dec: The String Orientation, by Tobi Barthel.
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