Gelfand Centennial Conference:
A View of 21st Century Mathematics

MIT, Room 34-101, August 28 - September 2, 2013

Speakers | Program | Recollections | Legacy | Directions | Contact | Register

Organized by: MIT, Harvard University, and Rutgers University

Organizing committee: P. Etingof, S. Gindikin, D. Kazhdan, B. Mazur, V. Retakh, I. Singer, A. Zelevinsky*

Sponsors: MIT Mathematics Department, Harvard University Mathematics Department, Rutgers University Mathematics Department, National Science Foundation, Clay Mathematics Institute, Gabriella and Paul Rosenbaum Foundation, Ms. Madge Goldman.

* deceased


Thursday, August 29
3:30PM – 5:45PM Gelfand Recollections session (room 34-101; to be continued at the conference banquet)

Video Link

Speakers include:

Alexander Beilinson
Joseph Bernstein
Vladimir Drinfeld
Tatiana I. Gelfand
Tatiana V. Gelfand
Alexander Goncharov
Victor Guillemin
Mikhail Kapranov
David Kazhdan
Alexandre Kirillov
Maxim Kontsevich
Ann Kostant
Bertram Kostant
Dusa McDuff
Vladimir Retakh
Isadore Singer
Anatoly Vershik

Session organizers:
Pavel Etingof and Slava Gerovitch





















