From pure math to applied mathematics, more women than ever are interested in solving real-world and theoretical problems in pursuit of a better world. We are students, postdocs, instructors, professors, math teachers, and researchers, working in education, industry, tech, finance, and government. This website celebrates MIT mathematicians who identify as female in our department and the larger STEM community. We’re interested in advocating for an inclusive atmosphere and promoting gender equity within a largely male-dominated field. Our goal for this website is to provide a welcoming space to share our projects and achievements, upcoming events, career resources, and networking opportunities among your peers, fellow professionals, and educators. We wish to encourage women and girls to study math for the sheer joy of it, to promote their personal and professional development, and to consider careers in the mathematical sciences.

Latest News

  • Math Department Spring Awardees

    From left, Paige Bright, Catherine Wolfram, Yiming Chen, and Katie Miner.

    Several math community members receiving the 2024 Peter Baddoo Community Building Award, for individuals who have made significant contributions to building and strengthening our MIT Math community, included Paige Bright for her Department volunteering efforts, PRIMES Circle outreach, and TA work, and graduate student Catherine Wolfram for her efforts as a TA in 18.600. This award is named in honor of the late Department instructor Peter Baddoo, who received the Community Building Award in 2022 for organizing tea and coffee hours for the postdoc community.

    The 2024 Charles and Holly Housman …

  • Marisa Gaetz Works on Brave Behind Bars

    Research co-written by Math PhD candidate Marisa Gaetz shows education is key to successful reentry of the incarcerated.

    See MIT News

  • Janabel Xia: Algorithms, dance rhythms, and the drive to succeed

    When the senior isn’t using mathematical and computational methods to boost driverless vehicles and fairer voting, she performs with MIT’s many dance groups to keep her on track.

    Read more at MIT News