Geometric Analysis Reading Seminar, Spring 2024

  • Time: 11am on Wednesday
  • Location: 2-255

  • References:
    [AMO] V. Agostiniani, L. Mazzieri, and F. Oronzio, A Green's Function Proof of the Positive Mass Theorem.
    [BK] R. Bamler and B. Kleiner, On the Multiplicity One Conjecture for Mean Curvature Flows of surfaces.
    [Bre] S. Brendle, Embedded self-similar shrinkers of genus 0.
    [Col] T. H. Colding, New monotonicity formulas for Ricci curvature and applications. I.
    [CM] T. H. Colding and W. P. Minicozzi II, Ricci curvature and monotonicity for harmonic functions.
    [DS] S. Donaldson and S. Sun, Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kähler manifolds and algebraic geometry.
    [EM] N. Edelen and P. Minter, Uniqueness of Regular Tangent Cones for Immersed Stable Hypersurfaces.
    [EL] S. H. Esfahani and Yang Li, On the Donaldson-Scaduto conjecture.
    [IRS] D. Impera, M. Rimoldi, and A. Savo, Index and first Betti number of f-minimal hypersurfaces and self-shrinkers.
    [Liu] G. Liu, 3-manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature.
    [Son] A. Song, Morse index, Betti numbers, and singular set of bounded area minimal hypersurfaces.

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