Geometric Analysis Reading Seminar
Fall 2024:
Main Topic: Cheeger-Colding theory Time: 3pm on Thursday Location: 2-255
Summer 2024:
- Sep 12: Benjy Introduction to the Cheeger-Colding-Naber theory
- Sep 19: Xinrui Volume rigidity of spheres [Col96a, Col96b]
- Sep 26: Yiqi Structure of non-collapsed Ricci limit space [CC97]
- Oct 3: Dain Almost rigidity of warped product spaces I [CC96] Ch 1 and 3
- Oct 17: Jingze Almost rigidity of warped product spaces II [CC96] Ch 4 and 7
- Oct 31: Alex The Calabi-Yau conjectures for embedded surfaces [CM08]
- Nov 7: Tang-Kai Almost splitting theorem of limit spaces [CC96] Ch 6
Topic: Geometry measure theory Time: 1pm on Tuesday Location: zoom Schedule: link.
Spring 2024:
Time: 11am on Wednesday Location: 2-255 Fall 2023:
- Feb 14: Xinrui Monotonicity and Ricci curvature [Col12], [CM14]
- Feb 21: Yang SLag and the Donaldson-Scaduto conjecture [EL24]
- Feb 28: Shrey Index bounds for shrinkers [IRS19]
- Mar 6: Giada Index bounds for minimal hypersurfaces [Son23]
- Mar 13: Mike Green's Function and Positive Mass Theorem [AMO24]
- Mar 20: Keaton Multiplicity one for MCF of surfaces I [BK24]
- Mar 27: Spring break
- Apr 3: Jingze Multiplicity one for MCF of surfaces II [BK24]
- Apr 10: Tang-Kai Genus-zero shrinkers [Bre16]
- Apr 17: Benjy Donaldson-Sun theory [DS14]
- Apr 24: Max
- May 1: Dain Uniqueness of Regular Tangent Cones for Immersed Stable Hypersurfaces [EM24]
- May 8: Yiqi Milnor's conjecture in dimension three [Liu13]
Topic: Stable Bernstein problem Time: 4pm on Thursday Location: 2-255
Spring 2023:
- Sep 7: Giada Introduction [Cho21]
- Sep 14: Tang-Kai Green's function on Stable Minimal Hypersurfaces [CL21, Sec. 1-2.0]
- Sep 21: Dain/Keaton Integration over level sets of the Green's function [CL21, Sec. 2.1-3]
- Sep 28: Dain Stern's Bochner formula [CL21, Sec. 3]
- Oct 5: Keaton Munteanu-Wang's Monotonicity Formula [CL21, Sec. 4]
- Oct 12: Yang Overview of [CMR22]
- Oct 19: Aaron Completeness of conformal metric [CMR22]
- Oct 16: Jingze Overview of [CL22]
- Nov 12: Aaron mu-bubble [CL22]
Topic: Generic MCF Time: 4pm on Monday Location: 2-429 Fall 2022:
- Feb 20: Jingze Introduction [CCMS20, Sec. 1.1-1.4]
- Feb 27: Xinrui Preliminaries [CCMS20, Sec. 1.5-2.6]
- Mar 6: Irvine conference
- Mar 13: Keaton Uniqueness I (Merle-Zaag) [CCMS20, Sec. 3-5]
- Mar 20: Keaton Uniqueness II [CCMS20, Sec. 3-5]
- Mar 27: Spring break
- Apr 3: Giada Constructions for compact one-sided flows [CCMS20, Sec. 6]
- Apr 10: Marathon
- Apr 17: Tang-Kai General constructions I [CCMS20, Sec. 7]
- Apr 24: Tang-Kai General constructions II [CCMS20, Sec. 7]
- May 1: Break
- May 8: Jingze Regularity for negative time [CCMS20, Sec. 8]
- May 15: Xinrui Low-entropy case [CCMS20, Sec. 10]
Topic: Bamler's Ricci flow theory Time: 4:30pm on Monday Location: 2-361
Summer 2022:
- Sep 26: Yiqi Brief Introduction to Ricci flow [Sun, Sec. 1-5]
- Oct 3: Keaton Brief review of Perelman's theory and Nash Entropy [Sun, Sec. 6]
- Oct 12: Tang-Kai Overview of Bamler's theory [Bam21]
- Oct 17: Shrey Heat kernels and inequalities [Sun, Sec. 7.1-7.4], [Bam20a]
- Oct 24: Mike Hn-Center, Wasserstein distance, and a gradient estimate [Sun, Sec. 7.4-7.6], [Bam20a]
- Oct 31: Xinrui Nash Entropy and Heat kernel upper bound I [Sun, Sec. 7.7-7.8], [Bam20a]
- Nov 7: Giada Heat kernel upper bound II and other heat kernel bounds [Sun, Sec. 7.8-7.11], [Bam20a]
- Nov 14: Jingze P*-parabolic neighborhoods, and epsilon-regularity [Sun, Sec. 7.12-7.14], [Bam20a]
- Nov 21: Tang-Kai Synthetic RF preliminaries and introduction to metric flows [Sun, Sec. 8.1-8.2], [Bam20b]
- Nov 28: Keaton Metric flows and H-concentration [Sun, Sec. 8.2-8.3], [Bam20b]
- Dec 5: Feng Distribution bound for metric flows and time continuity [Sun, Sec. 9.1-9.2], [Bam20b]
- Dec 16: Dain Future completion, space of metric flow pairs and compactness [Sun, Sec. 9.3-9.6], [Bam20b]
- Dec 19: Julius Limits of Ricci flows [Sun, Sec. 10], [Bam20c]
Topic: Strong rigidity of cylinders as Ricci shrinkers Time: 11am on Tuesday Location: zoom
Spring 2022:
- Jun 28: Xinrui Introduction and discussion [CM21, Sec. 0], [LW21]
- Jul 5: Xinrui Some commutator relations and estimates [CM21, Sec. 1]
- Jul 12: Jingze Properties of \mathcal{P}, I, and D [CM21, Sec. 2-3.2]
- Jul19: Aaron Growth estimates of eigenfunctions [CM21, Sec. 3.3-4.2]
- Jul 26: Tang-Kai Jacobi fields and extensions [CM21, Sec. 5-6]
- Aug 2: Feng Variations of geometric quantities [CM21, Sec. 7]
- Aug 9: Keaton Local rigidity [CM21, Sec. 8]
- Aug 16: Tang-Kai Improvement and the proof of the main theorems [CM21, Sec. 9]
Topic: Tensor maximum principle and applications Time: 10:30am on Wednesday Location: 2-429 Schedule: link.
Fall 2021:
Topic: Multiplicity one of min-max hypersurfaces Time: 5pm on Thursday Location: 2-361
- Sep 23: Feng GMT review and Major developments in min-max theory [MN20, Sec. 2.1]
- Oct 7: Tang-Kai Min-max construction of minimal hypersurfaces [MN20, Sec. 2.2]
- Oct 14: Xinrui Gromov's volume spectrum, Weyl law [MN20, Sec. 2.3], [LMN18]
- Oct 21: Feng Min-max theory for PMC hypersurfaces [ZZ19], [ZZ20], [Zho20, Sec. 1]
- Oct 28: Feng Min-max theory for PMC hypersurfaces II
- Nov 4: Keaton Morse index upper bound [MN16], [Zho20, Sec. 3]
- Nov 11: Xinrui Compactness for hypersurfaces with bounded Morse index [Sha17], [Zho20, Sec. 2]
- Nov 18: Feng Multiplicity one convergence [Zho20, Sec. 4]
- Dec 2: Tang-Kai Applications to volume spectrum and the proof of multiplicity one conjecture [Zho20, Sec. 5]
- Dec 9: Keaton Morse index lower bound [MN18]
[AMO24] V. Agostiniani, L. Mazzieri, and F. Oronzio, A Green's Function Proof of the Positive Mass Theorem.
[Bam16] R. Bamler, Cheeger-Colding-Naber theory.
[Bam20a] R. Bamler. Entropy and heat kernel bounds on a Ricci flow background.
[Bam20b] R. Bamler. Compactness theory of the space of super Ricci flows.
[Bam20c] R. Bamler. Structure theory of non-collapsed limits of Ricci flows.
[Bam21] R. Bamler. Recent Developments in Ricci Flows.
[BK24] R. Bamler and B. Kleiner, On the Multiplicity One Conjecture for Mean Curvature Flows of surfaces.
[Bre16] S. Brendle, Embedded self-similar shrinkers of genus 0.
[CMR22] G. Catino, P. Mastrolia, and A. Roncoroni. Two rigidity results for stable minimal hypersurfaces.
[Che01] J. Cheeger, Degeneration of Riemannian metrics under Ricci curvature bounds.
[CC96] J. Cheeger and T. H. Colding, Lower Bounds on Ricci Curvature and the Almost Rigidity of Warped Products.
[CC97] J. Cheeger and T. H. Colding, On the structure of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below. I.
[Cho21] O. Chodosh, Stable minimal surfaces and positive scalar curvature, class notes.
[CCMS20] O. Chodosh, K. Choi, C. Mantoulidis, and F. Schulze. Mean curvature flow with generic initial data.
[CL21] O. Chodosh and C. Li. Stable minimal hypersurfaces in R^4.
[CL22] O. Chodosh and C. Li. Stable anisotropic minimal hypersurfaces in R^4.
[Col96a] T. H. Colding, Shape of manifolds with positive Ricci curvature.
[Col96b] T. H. Colding, Large manifolds with positive Ricci curvature.
[Col12] T. H. Colding, New monotonicity formulas for Ricci curvature and applications. I.
[CM08] T. H. Colding and W. P. Minicozzi II, The Calabi-Yau conjectures for embedded surfaces.
[CM14] T. H. Colding and W. P. Minicozzi II, Ricci curvature and monotonicity for harmonic functions.
[CM21] T. H. Colding and W. P. Minicozzi II. Singularities of Ricci flow and diffeomorphisms.
[DS14] S. Donaldson and S. Sun, Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kähler manifolds and algebraic geometry.
[EM24] N. Edelen and P. Minter, Uniqueness of Regular Tangent Cones for Immersed Stable Hypersurfaces.
[EL24] S. H. Esfahani and Yang Li, On the Donaldson-Scaduto conjecture.
[IRS19] D. Impera, M. Rimoldi, and A. Savo, Index and first Betti number of f-minimal hypersurfaces and self-shrinkers.
[LW21] Y. Li and B. Wang. Rigidity of the round cylinders in Ricci shrinkers.
[LMN18] Y. Liokumovich, F. C. Marques, and A. Neves. Weyl Law for the Volume Spectrum.
[Liu13] G. Liu, 3-manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature.
[MN16] F. C. Marques and A. Neves. Morse index and multiplicity of min-max minimal hypersurfaces.
[MN18] F. C. Marques and A. Neves. Morse index of multiplicity one min-max minimal hypersurfaces.
[MN20] F. C. Marques and A. Neves. Applications of Min-Max Methods to Geometry.
[Sha17] B. Sharp. Compactness of minimal hypersurfaces with bounded index.
[Son23] A. Song, Morse index, Betti numbers, and singular set of bounded area minimal hypersurfaces.
[Sun] A. Sun's notes from Bamler's 2020 Class.
[Zho20] X. Zhou. On the Multiplicity One Conjecture in Min-Max Theory.
[ZZ19] X. Zhou and J. Zhu. Min-max theory for constant mean curvature hypersurfaces.
[ZZ20] X. Zhou and J. Zhu. Existence of hypersurfaces with prescribed mean curvature I - generic min-max.
These seminars were organized by a few people among the speakers.
Older seminars: link 1, link 2, link 3.
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