Meeting time: Monday 5-6pm

Meeting location: MIT 2-255

Spring 2020 Schedule

This semester we will be reading about homotopy principle! The main material we will use is the textbook "Introduction to the h-principle" by Eliashberg and Mishachev. The book is available online through MIT Library. You can also find it on Eliashberg's previous course website.

Some links:
Date Speakers Sections
February 6 Luis Overview
February 10 Feng Chapter 1, 2
February 18 (Tuesday) Julius Chapter 3, 4
February 24 Elia Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8
March 2 Alexey Chapter 9, 10
March 9 Luis Chapter 11, 12
March 16 Julius Chapter 13, 14
March 30 Alexey Chapter 15, 16
April 6 Jackson Chapter 17, 18
April 13 Feng Chapter 19, 20
April 20 Luis Chapter 21
April 27 Ao TBD
May 4 TBD
May 11 TBD
Past Schedules