18.031 - System functions and the Laplace transform (IAP 2017)
- The class is pass/fail.
- There will be two problem sets and one (final) exam.
- Problem sets will count for 50% of your grade.
- The final exam will count for 50% of your grade.
- You must turn in both problem sets and the exam to earn a P.
Reading & text book
- There will be reading before each class. The reading are posted
on the main class site.
- There will be no text book used for the class.
Problem sets
- There will be two problem sets, due Thursday January 26 and Wednesday February 1, available on the Stellar Website of this course. They must be handed in in class the day they are due. Solutions will be available on the class website the afternoon they are due, so no late homework can be accepted.
I encourage collaboration in this course, I but insist on honesty about it. If you do your homework in a group, be sure it works to your advantage rather than against you. Good grades for homework you have not thought through will translate to poor grades on the exam.
- You must turn in your own writeups of all problems, and, if you do collaborate, you must write on your solution sheet the names of the students you worked with. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.
Final exam
- In class on Thursday, Feb 2 at 3 pm (1 hour, during class)