Shaoyun Bai
Photo by Fanying Chen
I am an Assistant Professor at MIT.
My research focuses on symplectic topology, though my research projects are related to or inspired by nearby fields, including low-dimensional topology, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, and dynamics. Here is my CV.
Email: shaoyunb [at] mit [dot] edu
Seminar and Teaching in Spring 2025: MIT Symplectic Seminar, 18.952: Theory of Differential Forms.
Previous teaching at MIT: 18.937: Topics in Geometric Topology.
- Bordism and resolution of singularities (with Mohammed Abouzaid), arXiv:2412.04451.
- Cohomological splitting over rationally connected bases (with Daniel Pomerleano and Guangbo Xu), arXiv:2406.00931.
- Equivariant formality in complex-oriented theories (with Daniel Pomerleano), arXiv:2405.05821.
- Franks' dichotomy for toric manifolds, Hofer-Zehnder conjecture, and gauged linear sigma model (with Guangbo Xu), arXiv:2309.07991.
- Arnold conjecture over integers (with Guangbo Xu), arXiv:2209.08599.
- An integral Euler cycle in normally complex orbifolds and Z-valued Gromov-Witten type invariants (with Guangbo Xu), arXiv:2201.02688.
- On the Rouquier dimension of wrapped Fukaya categories and a conjecture of Orlov (with Laurent Côté), Compos. Math. 159 (2023), no. 3, 437--487. Published Version.
- Bifurcations of embedded curves and towards an extension of Taubes' Gromov invariant to Calabi-Yau 3-folds (with Mohan Swaminathan), Duke Math. J. 173 (2024), no. 15, 2947--3057. Published Version.
- A symplectic formula for generalized Casson invariants, arXiv:2102.03665.
- Equivariant Cerf theory and perturbative SU(n) Casson invariants (with Boyu Zhang), arXiv:2009.01118.
Organization and Service
Guangbo Xu and I organized Rutgers Symplectic Summer School 2024.
I served as a mentor for the 2024 Kylerec workshop.
I co-organized Columbia Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory Seminar.
I co-organized a learning seminar on Enumerative invariants and birational transformations with Patrick Lei.