Thomas Rüd
Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT
Google scholar page.
Office: 2-178
Email address: rud[AT]
Interests: representations of p-adic groups, orbital integrals, buildings, local-global principle, abelian varieties over finite fields.
MIT number theory seminar
Currently teaching:
18.01A/18.02A, Monday and Wednesday, 9-10 and 10-11.
In Preparation:
- Explicit construction of arithmetic transfer, and proof of ATC for low-rank unitary groups. with W. Zhang.
- Descent of orbital integrals on GSp4 and applications to mass formulae of abelian varieties decompositing as products of elliptic curves.
- A projective twist on the Hasse Norm Theorem. with Alan Bu.
Other writings, thesis, and conference notes: Here.
Data about Tamagawa numbers of symplectic tori and SageMath code: Here.
Organized Seminars:
Past Teaching:
- [2022 Winter] MATH 104 head TA (role overlapped with head instructor)
- [2021 Spring] MATH 100 Vantage instructor (single section class, role of head instructor)
- [2020 Winter] MATH 184 head TA. workshop files
- [2019 Winter] MATH 184 instructor
- [2019] Participant in the Instructor Skills Workshop
- [2018 Winter] MATH 104 instructor