At MIT in Room 2-255 (which is in Building 2 on the second floor ),
at 4:30 PM unless otherwise noted.

Listing for 1995/6
  • February 5th:

    No seminar

  • February 12th:

    Naum Zobin (Ohio State University)
    ``Counterexamples to Whitney's problem on extendability''

  • Note that B. Fedosov is speaking in the (special) symplectic seminar
    on Tuesday, February 18, at MIT in Room at 4:00 pm with the title
    ``On the trace density in deformation quantization''

  • February 19th:

    James Turetsky (Harvard University)
    ``Short time behavior of logarithmic derivatives of the heat kernel''

  • February 26th:Two seminars

    At 3:30 in Room 2-143
    Leonid Friedlander (University of Arizona)
    ``Analytic and Reidemeister torsion''

    and at the usual time (4:30) and place (2-255):
    Alexander Grigoryan (Imperial College, London)
    ``Heat kernel's lower bounds on arbitrary Riemannian manifolds''

  • March 5th: N.B. at 3:30PM in Room 2-143

    Victor Nistor (Penn. State)
    ``Pseudodifferential operators and groupoids''

    Gian-Carlo Rota gives the Killian lecture in 10-250 at 4:30PM

  • March 12th:

    Steven Zelditch (Johns Hopkins)
    ``Advances in inverse spectral theory''

  • March 19th. Another double-header

    At 3:30 in 2-143:
    Nikolai Nadirashvili (ETH, Zurich)
    ``Nodal and critical sets to solutions of elliptic equations''

    and at the usual time (4:30) and place (2-255):
    Jared Wunsch (Harvard)
    ``Propagation of growth and singularities for Schr\"odinger operators''

  • March 26th:

    Spring Break -- no seminar

  • April 2nd:

    Evgeny Abakumov (Universit\'e de Marne-la-Vall\'ee, Paris)
    ``Approximation ability of lacunary power series''

  • April 9th:

    Richard Melrose (MIT)
    ``Homology and the Heisenberg algebra on a contact manifold''

  • April 16th:

    Andras Vasy (MIT - thesis defense)
    ``Propagation of singularities and three-body scattering''

  • April 23rd:

    Andrew Hassell (Australian National University)
    ``Distributions associated to three intersecting Lagrangians''

  • April 30th:

    Jiaping Wang (MIT)
    ``Some analytical aspects of nonnegative Ricci curvature''

  • May 7th:

    Michael Taylor (University of North Carolina)
    ``Layer integral techniques for PDE with nonsmooth coefficients''

  • May 14th:

    Antonio Sa Barreto (Purdue University)
    Title TBA

    Listing for Fall 1996

    Listing for 1995/6