At MIT in Room 2-255, at 4:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
Feb 14th:
Victor Palamodov
Feb 21st:
Victor Guillemin (MIT),
"Recent work on Szego formulas in several dimensions"
Feb 28th:
Jochen Br\"uning (Berlin)
"The eta invariant on manifolds with boundary and the gluing formula"
Mar 6th:
(At Brown) Carlos Kenig
"Regularity of variable coefficient parabolic equations and
singular perturbations of free boundary problems"
Mar 13th:
Andras Vasy (MIT)
"Structure of the resolvent for three-body potentials"
Mar 20th:
(With Brown at MIT) Juha Heinonen
"Mappings, Spaces, and Poincar\'e inequality"
Abstract: I will discuss the (non-)existence of bi-Lipschitz
or quasisymmetric parametrizations of metric spaces by Euclidean space.
There are very few known nontrivial analytic bi-Lipschitz/quasisymmetric
invariants that one could use in detecting the lack of such a
parametrization. Some answers can be given in terms
of a Poincar\'e type inequality in a metric space.
Mar 27th:
Apr 3rd:
Eckhard Meinrenken (MIT)
"Recent results on the Guillemin-Sternberg conjecture"
Apr 10th:
Two seminars
In Room 2-131 at 3:15 PM
Dimtry Jakobson (Cal Tech)
"Limits of eigenfunctions on flat tori"
and at the usual time and place
Karl Voss (Yale)
"The Existence and Uniqueness of Self-Similar Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equation"
Apr 17th:
(At Brown)
Apr 24th:
NungKwan Yip
May 1st:
Two seminars
In Room 2-131 at 3:15 PM
Ant\^onio s\'a Barreto (Purdue)
"Existence of resonances in potential scattering"
and at the usual time and place
(With Brown at MIT) Tanya Christiansen (Missouri)
"Scattering theory for perturbed stratified media"
May 8th:
Edith Mooers (MIT)
May 15th:
Andrew Hassell (Stanford)
"Generalized eigenfunctions for the 3 body problem"