Publications and Preprints
Spectral equivalence of nearby Lagrangians (draft available upon request)
(joint with Johan Asplund and Yash Deshmukh)
Fundamental groups of rationally connected symplectic manifolds (submitted)
Sections and unirulings of families over P1
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 2024.
[arXiv, Journal Version]
On the topology of moduli spaces of real algebraic curves (submitted)
Supervised Learning of Labeled Pointcloud Differences via Cover-Tree Entropy Reduction (submitted)
(joint work with Abraham Smith, Paul Bendich, John Harer, and Jay Hineman)
Persistent homology analysis of brain artery trees
(joint work with Paul Bendich, J.S. Marron, Ezra Miller, and Sean Skwerer)
Annals of Applied Statistics, 2016.
[arXiv, Journal Version]