Books of Victor Kac

  1. Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1983 (second edition, Cambridge University Press, 1985) (third edition, Cambridge University Press, 1990). Russian translation, MIR, Moscow, 1993. Chinese translation, 2006.
  2. Infinite dimensional groups with applications, ed., Publ. MSRI 4, 1985.
  3. (with A. Raina) Bombay lectures on highest weight representations, World Scientific, 1987.
  4. (with A. Raina and N. Rozhkovskaya) Bombay lectures on highest weight representations, Second edition, World Scientific, 2013.
  5. Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and groups, ed., Adv. Ser. in Math. Phys., vol. 7, 1989.
  6. (with V. Guillemin, J.-L. Brylinsky and R. Brylinsky) Lie theory and geometry, ed., Birkhäuser, Boston, 1994.
  7. Vertex algebras for beginners, University lecture series, AMS, vol. 10, 1996 (second edition, AMS, 1998). Russian translation, Moscow 2005.
  8. (with C. Martinez and E. Zelmanov) Graded simple Jordan superalgebras of growth one, Memoirs of AMS 711, 2001, pp 1-140.
  9. (with P. Cheung) Quantum calculus, Springer-Verlag, 2002. Russian translation, Moscow 2005. Persian translation, 2015.
  10. (with R. Kellerhals, F. Knop, P. Littelman, D. Panyushev) Vinberg volume, ed., J. Algebra 313, Springer-Verlag, 2007.
  11. (with R. Panyushev, E. Vinberg) Morozov volume, ed., Transf. Groups 15, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
  12. (with S. Gindikin, E. Vinberg) Dynkin volume, ed., Transf. Groups 19, Springer-Verlag, 2014.
  13. (with V. Popov) Lie groups, geometry and representation theory. Kostant memorial volume, ed., Progress in Math 326, Springer-Verlag, 2018.
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