When is x*(1/x) not equal to 1? , by
A Edelman (never published except for the web -- just for fun) (1994).
The Mathematics of the Pentium Division Bug , by
A Edelman SIAM Review 39, (1997), 54-67.
A Physically Based Numerical Color Calibration Algorithm for Film , by
A Edelman, Frank Wang, and Arun Rao
An Efficient Paritioning Oracle for Bounded-Treewidth Graphs , by
A Edelman, A. Hassidim, Huy Nguyen, K. Onak
Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6845 Springer
(2011) .
Building Blocks and Excluded Sums , by
Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, Alan Edelman, Charles Leiserson, Per-Olof Persson
SIAM News, v. 28, number 1, page 1,4,6
(2005) .
Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging via Adaptive Broadband Encoding
of the MR Signal Content , by
Dimitris Mitsouras, Frank Rybicki, A Edelman, Gary Zientara.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Non-Fourier Encoded Parallel MRI Using Multiple Receiver Coils
, by
Mitsouras D., Hoge W.S., Rybicki F.J., Kyriakos W., Edelman A.,
Zientara G.P. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Computation with Interpolating Wavelets, by Ross Lippert, T. Arias, and
A. Edelman. Journal of Computational Physics 140,pp.278-310, (1998).
A Fast Projected Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Training Support Vector
Machines , by T. Wen and A. Edelman.
in Fast Algorithms for Structured Matrices; Theory and Applications, edited by
Vadim Olshevsky,
Contemporary Mathematics 323, (2003).
The geometry of algorithms with orthogonality constraints, by T.Arias, A.Edelman, and S. Smith.
SIAM J Matrix Analy Appl 20 (1998), 303-353.
in Conjugate Gradient Eigenvalue Computation with Applications to Materials
and Chemistry Calculations, by T.Arias, A.Edelman, and S.Smith. Proceedings
of the 1994 SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference J.G. Lewis, ed., SIAM, Philadelphia,
(1994), 233-238.
Julia: A Fast Dynamic Language for Technical Computing
, by Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral Shah, and A. Edelman,
Parallel MATLAB: doing it right, by A. Edelman,
R. Choy, Proceedings of the IEEE volume 93, issue 2, Feb 2005 pp 331-341.
Petabricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic
Choice., by
Jason Ansel, Yee Lok Wong, Marek Olszewski, Qin Zhao, Alan Edelman,
Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.
Dublin, Ireland. Jun, 2009.
Language and Compiler Support for Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms.
, by
Jason Ansel, Yee Lok Won ans Cy Chan, Marek Olszewski, Alan Edelman, Saman
The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
Chamonix, France. Apr, 2011
Autotuning Multigrid with PetaBricks.
, by
Cy Chan, Jason Ansel, Yee Lok Wong, Saman Amarasinghe, Alan Edelman.
ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing.
Portland, OR. Nov, 2009
The Future Fast Fourier Transform?, by A. Edelman,
P. McCorquodale, and S. Toledo. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
SIAM J Scientific Computing 20 1094-1114 (1998)
Index Transformation
Algorithms in a Linear Algebra Framework, by A. Edelman, S. Heller and S.
L. Johnsson. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 5 (1994),
Large Numerical
Linear Algebra in 1994: The Continuing Influence of Parallel Computing,
by A. Edelman. Proceedings of the 1994 Scalable High Performance Computing Conference.
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, (1994), 781--787.
algorithms for direct N-body solvers for different granularities, by A.
Edelman, J. Brunet, and J. Mesirov. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 14
(1993), 1143--1158.
Large Dense
Numerical Linear Algebra in 1993: The Parallel Computing Influence, by A.
Edelman. Journal of Supercomputing Applications. 7 (1993), 113--128.
Matrix multiplication
on hypercubes using full bandwidth and constant storage, by C.T.Ho, S.L.Johnsson
, and A. Edelman. The Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference Proceedings
IEEE Computer Society Press (1991), 447--451.
Optimal matrix
transposition and bit reversal on hypercubes: All--to--all personalized communication,
by A. Edelman. J. Parallel Dist. Comp. 11 (1991), 328--331.
first annual large dense linear system survey, by A. Edelman. The SIGNUM
Newsletter 26 (October 1991), 6--12.
Guess what? We have a hypercube, by A. Edelman.
Thinking Machines Corporation Semi-Internal Report, (1989) - not published.
The beta-Wishart ensemble
. by
Alexander Dubbs, Alan Edelman, Plamen Koev, and Praveen Venkataramana
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54, 083507 (2013).
Computing with Beta Ensembles and Hypergeometric Functions
. by
Vesselin Drensky, Alan Edelman, Tierney Genoar, Raymond Kan, and Plamen Koev
RMTA (2014).
The Beta-MANOVA Ensemble with General Covariance
. by
Alexander Dubbs and Alan Edelman
Eigenvalue distributions of Beta-Wishart matrices
by Alan Edelman and Plamen Koev RMTA (2013).
Random Triangle Theory with Geometry and Applications
. To appear FOCM (2013).
Random Matrix Theory, Numerical Computation and Applications
. (2013).
Isotropic Entanglement, by Ramis Movassagh and Alan Edelman
. (2013).
Density of States of Quantum Spin Systems from
Isotropic Entanglement , by Ramis Movassagh and Alan Edelman
. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 097205 (2011).
Condition Numbers of Indefinite Rank 2 Ghost Wishart Matrices
by Ramis Movassagh and Alan Edelman
. (2012).
Sample Size Cognizant Detection of Signals in White Noise
by Raj Rao Nadakuti and Alan Edelman
. (2007).
Partial Freeness of Random Matrices
by Jiahao Chen and Alan Edelman
. (2012).
The Random Matrix Technique of Ghosts and Shadows
. Markov Processes and Related Fields (2011).
The Polynomial Method for Random Matrices
by N. Raj Rao and A. Edelman
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
On Computing Schur Functions and Series Thereof
by Cy Chan, Vesselin Drensky, Raymond Kan, Plamen Koev and A. Edelman
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (submitted)
Sturm Sequences and Random Eigenvalue distributions
by James Albrecht, Cy Chan, and A. Edelman
Foundations of Computational Mathematics (accepted)
On the Probability Distribution of the Outputs of the Diagonally Loaded
Capon-MVDR Processor
by N. Raj Rao and A. Edelman
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2005. Conference Record of the Thirty-Ninth
Asilomar Conference on
Publication Date: October 28 - November 1, 2005
pages: 1717- 1723.
From Random Matrices to Stochastic Operators
by Brian Sutton and A. Edelman
Journal of Statistical Physics 127 (2007), no. 6, 1121-1165.
Statistical eigen-inference from large Wishart Matrices
by N Raj Rao, James Mingo, Roland Speicher and A. Edelman
Annals of Statistics (2008)
Sample eigenvalue based detection of high-dimensional signals in white noise
using relatively few samples
by N Raj Rao and A. Edelman
IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing (2008)
The beta-Jacobi matrix model, the CS decomposition, and generalized singular
value problems by Brian Sutton and A. Edelman 8, (2008), no 2. Foundations of Computational Mathematics.
Global Spectrum Fluctuations for the beta-Hermite and beta-Laguerre
ensembles via matrix models,
by Ioana Dumitriu and A. Edelman
Journal of Mathematical Physics 47 (2006).
On the Efficient Evaluation of the Hypergeometric Function
of a Matrix Argument
, by Plamen Koev and A. Edelman Mathematics of Computation.
Tails of Condition Number Distributions
, by Brian Sutton and A. Edelman SIMAX (2005), no. 2, 547-560.
A linear-time algorithm for evaluating series of Schur functions
, by Cy Chan, Vesselin Drensky, Alan Edelman, and Plamen Koev.
On the Largest Principal Angle between Random Subspaces
, by P.A. Absil, Plamen Koev and A. Edelman.
LAA (2006).
Eigenvalues of Hermite and Laguerre ensembles: Large Beta Asymptotics
, by Ioana Dumitriu and A. Edelman.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B), 41 (6) (2005), 1083-1099.
Matrix Models
for Beta Ensembles, by Ioana Dumitriu and A. Edelman. Journal of Mathematical
Physics 43, (2002), 5830--5847.
The Probability
that a Random Real Gaussian Matrix Has k Real Eigenvalues, Related Distributions,
and the Circular Law, by A. Edelman, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 60,
(1997), 203--232.
How many zeros of a random polynomial are real?,
by A. Edelman and E. Kostlan Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 32
(1995), 1--37.
On the determinant
of a uniformly distributed complex matrix, by A. Edelman. Journal of Complexity
11 (1995), 352--357.
How many
eigenvalues of a random matrix are real?, by A. Edelman, E. Kostlan, and
M. Shub. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 7 (1994), 247--267.
The road from Kac's
matrix to Kac's random polynomials, by A.Edelman and E.Kostlan. Proceedings
of the 1994 SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference J.G. Lewis, ed., SIAM, Philadelphia
(1994), 503--507.
Roulette and Random Test Matrices, by A. Edelman. Linear Algebra for Large
Scale and Real-Time Applications edited by Marc S. Moonen, Gene H. Golub, and
Bart L. R. De Moor. NATO ASI Series (1992), 365--368.
On the distribution
of a scaled condition number, by A. Edelman. Mathematics of Computation
58 (1992), 185--190.
The distribution and moments of the smallest eigenvalue
of a random matrix of Wishart type, by A. Edelman. Lin. Alg. Appl. 159 (1991),
and condition numbers of random matrices, by A. Edelman. SIAM Journal on
Matrix Analysis and Applications 9 (1988), 543--560.
Pascal Matrices by G. Strang and A. Edelman.
American Mathematical Monthly, March 1004.
Staircase failures explained by orthogonal versal
forms, by A. Edelman and Y. Ma. SIAM J Matrix Analy Appl 21 (2000), 1004-1025.
A Counterexample
to a Hadamard Matrix Pivot Conjecture, by A. Edelman and D. Friedman. J
of Linear and Multilinear Algebra (1998), 44, 53--56.
eigenvalue perturbations of Jordan blocks, by A. Edelman and Y. Ma. Linear
Algebra and Applications 273, (1998), 45--63.
Computation and Sensitivity of Double Eigenvalues, by
A. Edelman and Ross Lippert. Advances in Computational Mathematics 202 of
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, (1998).
A Geometric
Approach to Perturbation Theory of Matrices and Matrix Pencils. Part I: Versal
Deformation, by A. Edelman, E. Elmroth, and B. Kågström. (1995)
A Geometric Approach
to Perturbation Theory of Matrices and Matrix Pencils. Part II: A Stratification Enhanced
Staircase Algorithm ,
by A. Edelman, E. Elmroth, and B. Kågström SIAM J Matrix Anal Applications 20, (1999),
A simple estimate of the condition number of a
linear system, by H.W. Guggenheimer, A. Edelman, and C.R. Johnson. College Mathematics
Journal,(1995), 2--5.
Parlett's matrix norm inequality for the Cholesky decomposition, by A. Edelman
and W. Mascarenhas Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications. 2 (1995), 243--250.
On the complete
pivoting conjecture for a Hadamard matrix of order 12, by A. Edelman and
W. Mascarenhas. J of Linear and Multilinear Algebra 38 (1995), 181--187.
roots from companion matrix eigenvalues, by A. Edelman and H. Murakami,
Mathematics of Computation. 64 (1995), 763--776.
The dimension
of matrices (matrix pencils) with given Jordan (Kronecker) canonical forms,
by J. Demmel and A. Edelman.
Linear Algebra and its Applications 230 (1995), 61--87.
Scaling for orthogonality,
by A. Edelman and G.W. Stewart. Transactions on Signal Processing 41 (1993),
The complete
pivoting conjecture for Gaussian Elimination is false, by A Edelman. The
Mathematica Journal 2 (1992), 58--61.
of Mobile Jacobi, by A. Edelman. Numerical Linear Algebra, Digital Signal
Processing and Parallel Algorithms, NATO ASI Series F. 70 Springer-Verlag (1991),
485--488. (What a shame that I do not have the pictures available. Even better
would be to put the original video on line. Maybe some day!)
Positivity, monotonicity, or convexity-preserving
cubic and quintic Hermite interpolation, by R. Dougherty, A. Edelman, and J.M.Hyman.
Mathematics of Computation (1989), 471--494.
slopes for monotone and convex interpolation, by A. Edelman and C. Micchelli
Numerische Mathematik 51 (1987), 441--458.
On locally supported basis functions for the representation
of geometrically continuous curves, by N. Dyn, A. Edelman and C. Micchelli Analysis
7 (1987), 313--341.
and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices, by A. Edelman
MIT PhD Dissertation, 1989. (As of 2002, the figures are now included in this
file. They were all recomputed!)
We would like to thank NSF for all of their support for award grants
9971591, 9709607, 9501278, 9404326, 8953828, 0314286, 0411962 .