Dominique Maldague Department of Mathematics MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 Office: 2-167 Email: dmal AT MIT DOT edu Curriculum Vitae   (updated August 2023) |
I am an NSF postdoctoral fellow working in the analysis group at MIT. My primary research area is harmonic analysis, and I am especially interested in studying detailed properties of the Fourier transform. I grew up in Los Angeles, CA and spent 8 years in Berkeley as an undergraduate and PhD student (under my advisor, Mike Christ). At MIT, I have focused on decoupling theory (studying properties of functions with specialized Fourier support, like on a parabola) with Larry Guth.
Fall 2023: Recitation instructor 18.821
Fall 2022: Course instructor 18.100Q
Fall 2020: Recitation instructor 18.01
Fall 2019: Recitation instructor 18.01
Spring 2016: GSI Math 202B
Spring 2014: GSI Math 1B
Fall 2013: GSI Math 54
Spring 2013: GSI Math 16B
dmal AT mit DOT edu | |
2-167 | |