If you like sphere packing, the origins of symmetry, or strange structures in high dimensions, you can find some relevant papers on my web page. Specifically, these lecture notes cover quite a bit of background, and this survey paper covers Viazovska's breakthrough in 8 dimensions. Both are written for mathematicians, so non-mathematicians should plan on skipping anything that's too technical.
If you'd like to make your own copy of the model from the audience participation, you can print this STL file using a 3d printer, or you can upload the file to a company like Shapeways and order a copy. The 2-inch models from the talk cost roughly $6 in plastic from Shapeways (as of August, 2018), with the cost for larger models scaling according to volume.
Slides from the talk
Other interesting links and references:
A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, by Thomas Harriot
A mathematical theory of communication, by Claude Shannon
A new era of thought, by Charles Howard Hinton
Notes on the 4th dimension, by Jon Crabb
On certain series of sections of the regular four-dimensional hypersolids, by Alicia Boole Stott
Alicia Boole Stott, a geometer in higher dimension, by Irene Polo-Blanco
The princess of polytopia: Alice Boole Stott and the 120-cell, by Tony Phillips