Instructor: Kyeongsu Choi (choiks [at]
Office: Room 2-238C
Office Hours: T 11:00 am-noon, W 2:00-3:30 pm
Lectures: TR 9:30-11:00 am room 2-131
TA: Nicholas Strehlke
In this course we introduces three main types of partial differential equations: diusion, elliptic, and hyperbolic. We provide real world examples and applications to diffusion processes of heat energy, electrostatics, water waves, and other topics as time permits.
Prerequisites: 18.100; 18.06, 18.700, or 18.701
Text Book: Partial Differential Equations in Action, by Sandro Salsa (3rd Edition)
[05.18.2019] The OH 11-12 on Tuesday 5/21 will be canceled, but there will be an OH 4:30-6 pm on Monday 5/20.
[05.07.2019] There will be a review session on 5/18 1-4pm in the classroom 2-131.
[04.09.2019] The OH tomorrow 4/10 will be held during 2:30-3:30 pm. The OHs on 4/16-17 will be cancelled.
[02.26.2019] The OH tomorrow 2/27 will be held during 2-3 pm.
[02.26.2019] Wednesday OH permanently is changed to 2-3:30 pm.
[02.12.2019] We will use Gradescope for psets grading. You can submit printed Pset 1 by Thursday 9:30 am, or submit it electronically through Gradescope by Saturday 1 pm. From Pset 2, please submit the assignments through Gradescope.
[02.07.2019] Pset 1 is now available!
[02.03.2019] Welcome to the spring semester!