I can be reached at byronc (at) mit (dot) edu.
The full list of my work can be found in the Research tab.
Selected Work
Stochastic block models with many communities and the Kesten-Stigum bound.
with Elchanan Mossel, Youngtak Sohn, Alexander S. Wein.
submitted. [arXiv] -
Exact threshold and limiting distribution for non-linear Hamilton cycles.
submitted. [arXiv] -
Structure of lower tails in sparse random graphs.
submitted. [arXiv] [blog]
The power of an adversary in Glauber dynamics.
with Ankur Moitra, Elchanan Mossel, Colin Sandon.
COLT 2024. [arXiv] [conference]
Optimal reconstruction of general sparse stochastic block models.
with Allan Sly.
submitted. [arXiv]