Boston City Limits 2018

Summer School on Mathematical General Relativity and the Geometric Analysis of Waves of Fluids

June 11–22, 2018 | MIT

Application and Financial Aid

Travel expenses and housing in MIT dormitories or nearby hotels will be available only for those participants receiving financial aid. Participants who do not qualify for financial aid are welcome to attend but be responsible for their own travel and accommodations expenses. Please notify us via the below email if you plan to attend without requesting financial aid. The deadline to apply for financial support is: Sunday April 1st, 2018.

How to apply for financial aid. Send your application package to:

The application package consists of:

  • An unofficial copy of your university transcripts (undergraduate or graduate).
  • A one-page statement of why you want to attend the summer school and how it fits in with your future education and/or career plans.
  • One recommendation letter from a faculty member, who should email it directly to the above address.