on the Occasion of   Michael Sipser's 60th Birthday


Time Speaker Title Abstract
10:00AM Manuel Blum Toward a Theory of Humanly Computable Protocols Abstract
10:30AM Avi Wigderson Lower Bounds, Anyone?
11:00AM Coffee
11:30AM Leonard Schulman Channel Coding for Interactive Communication Abstract
12:00PM Alex Russell The History (and Future?) of Computational Complexity: From Prodigal Child to Prospector and Imperialist
12:30PM Lunch
1:00PM Lunch
1:45PM Dan Spielman Adiabatic Quantum Computing Abstract
2:15PM Sofya Raskhodnikova Sublinear Algorithms for Real Data
2:45PM Drew Sutherland Counting Points in Average Polynomial Time Abstract
3:15PM Coffee
3:45PM Johan Hastad Some (Mostly Old) Thoughts on Small-Depth Circuits
4:15PM Shafi Goldwasser The Surprising Use for Lower Bounding a Set