18.782 - Arithmetic Geometry

Instructor: Andrew Sutherland

Grader: John Binder

Contact: drew@math.mit.edu

Lectures: TR 2:30 - 4:00, E17-139

Office Hours: TR 1:00-2:30, E18-422

Term: Fall 2013


Arithmetic geometry lies at the intersection of algebraic geometry and number theory. Its primary focus is the analysis of diophantine equations (xn + yn = zn, for example), both from an algebraic and a geometric perspective. See the course outline for a list of planned topics.

Note: 18.782 and 18.783 both cover material on elliptic curves, but there is essentially no overlap; the courses are complementary and may be taken in either order.

Prerequisites: 18.702.

This web page is updated regularly -- be sure to refresh your browser to see the latest announcements.


12-15-13    The notes for Lecture 26 have been updated.

12-14-13    The notes for Lecture 26 have been posted.

12-12-13    The notes for Lecture 25 have been posted. They include a section on height functions that we did not cover in class.