18.04 - Complex Variables with Applications (Fall 2023)

Instructor: Hung Cheng

Email: huncheng@math.mit.edu

Office: 2-379, 3-3663

Office Hours: Call to make appointment.

Lectures: MWF 2:00-3:00, Room 2-132.

Grader: Joshika Chakraverty joshika@mit.edu

Course Description

Complex algebra and functions; analyticity; contour integration, Cauchy's theorem; singularities, Taylor and Laurent series; residues, evaluation of integrals; multivalued functions, potential theory in two dimensions; Fourier analysis, Laplace transforms, and partial differential equations.

Text Book: Advanced Analytic Methods in Applied Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, by Hung Cheng, Luban Press.

Homework: Homework assigned the week before will be collected the week afterwards. You may discuss, but not copy, the solution written by others. Homework grades will be 10% of the course grade.

Exams: Three hour exams (Oct 6th, F; Nov 13rd M; Dec 8th, F). No final. Each exam is 30% of the total grade.