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I am interested in low-dimensional topology and gauge theory.  In particular, lately I have been thinking about Floer homotopy-type invariants and their applications.
  1. An odd Khovanov homotopy type (2018) (with Sucharit Sarkar and Christopher Scaduto)
  2. On homology cobordism and local equivalence between plumbed manifolds (2017) (with Irving Dai)
  3. On Newstead's Mayer-Vietoris argument in characteristic 2 (2017) (with Christopher Scaduto)
  4. The cohomology of rank two stable bundle moduli: mod two nilpotency & skew Schur polynomials (2017) (with Christopher Scaduto)
  5. Two-fold quasi-alternating links, Khovanov homology and instanton homology (2017) (with Christopher Scaduto) (to appear in Quantum Topology)
  6. Klein-four connections and the Casson invariant for non-trivial admissible U(2) bundles (2017) (with Christopher Scaduto) (to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology)
  7. A remark on Pin(2)-equivariant Floer homology (2016) (Michigan Mathematics Journal)
  8. Manolescu invariants of connected sums (2017) (Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society)
  9. Pin(2)-equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology of Seifert fibrations (2015)