Welcome! This is an archive page for a previous or upcoming year of the Computational Research in Boston and Beyond Seminar (CRiBB). To see current seminar information visit the Home Page.

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For more information, e-mail Professor Alan Edelman (edelman AT and/or Professor Jeremy Kepner (kepner AT

Organizers : 2006

Professor Alan Edelman (MIT - Math & CSAIL)
Professor Lars Hernquist (Harvard - Astronomy)
Dr. Chris Hill (MIT - Earth and Atmospheric Science)
Dr. Jeremy Kepner (MIT - Lincoln Laboratory)
Professor Steven G. Johnson (MIT - Math & RLE)
Dr. Patrick Dreher (MIT - Laboratory for Nuclear Science)

Meetings : 2006

Meetings will be held on the first Friday of the month at the MIT Campus in the Stata Room: 32-144. The meetings will begin at 12:30 PM, and pizza will be provided. Upcoming talks are listed below:

Feb 3

Ed Stewart (Visual Numerics)

Mar 3

Roger Germundsson (Wolfram Research)

Apr 7

Ryan Waite (Microsoft)

May 5

Jeremy Kepner (MIT - Lincoln Laboratory)

Jul 28

John Gilbert (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Oct 6

Marty Golubitsky (University of Houston)

Nov 3

Nagiza F. Samatova (Oak Ridge National Laboratory - ORNL)

Dec 1

Michael Driscoll (Boston University)



We thank the generous support of MIT IS&T, CSAIL, and the Department of Mathematics for their support of this series.

MIT Math CSAIL EAPS Lincoln Lab Harvard Astronomy
