
50 % homework ( 4-5 assignments), 50 % project

How to hand in your homework

Please hand in your writings and plots in class without your code. Please email your code which generates your results and plots to the grader by 11:59pm of the due date.

Programming language

Any programming languages (C,C++,Fortran,matlab,octave,...) can be used for your homework and project.


You are encouraged to work on problems in your research. You can speed up your existing code by devising a new and more efficient algorithm. However, you are not allowed to reuse your or other's previous work. Parallelization of a serial code could be possible. There is no restriction in programming language. 50 % of your work should be analysis and 50 % computation. More details will be discussed in class and during office hours. Collaboration may not be encouraged but can be positively considered.