Papers on Low dimensional Topology
by Vera Vértesi


Satellites and positive braids (with J. Etnyre)
in preparation

On the equivalence of Legendrian and Transverse Invariants in Knot Floer Homology
(with J. Baldwin and D.S. Vela-Vick) submitted to Journal of Geometry and Topology

Legendrian representations of Twist Knots (with J. Etnyre and L. Ng)
accepted to Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2010.

Csomók és 3-háromsokaságok - Heegaard Floer homológiák (in Hungarian)
Matematikai Lapok, Új sorozat (2009)

Transversely non-simple Knots
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 8:1481--1498, 2008.

On Invariants for Legendrian knots(with A. Stipsicz)
Pacific Journal of Math., accepted 2008

Last modified:
13. Jan. 2012.