Geometry and Analysis Seminar for Boston Area Graduate Students
What's this all about?
G.A.S.B.A.G.S is a seminar aimed at introducing graduate students (and post-docs) in the Boston area to
problems and ideas from a broad spectrum of research in geometry and analysis. At the same time, we hope to give
young researchers an opporuntity to meet their peers and present their research. Of course, we welcome and encourage participation
from everyone!
When and where is this happening?
Date: October 29-30, 2022
Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Building 2, room 2-190.
Will there be snacks?
Oh yes.
Mini Course Speakers
- Semyon Dyatlov (MIT)
- Andrew Lawrie (MIT)
Research Talks
- Tainara Borges (Brown)
- Gonzalo Cao-Labora (MIT)
- Sarah Tammen (MIT)
- Tina Torkaman (Harvard)
- Ju Tan (BU)
- Ian Montague (Brandeis)
- Xinrui Zhao (MIT)
The schedule, with abstracts, is available here . You can download
the schedule in .pdf format here, and the abstracts are available in .pdf format here .
Note that registration is mandatory, due to Covid-19 protocols.
Organizers and Funding
G.A.S.B.A.G.S is organized by Tristan Collins (MIT), Yu-Shen Lin (BU), Siu-Cheong Lau (BU) and Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard). Funding is provided by NSF CAREER grant DMS-194452
What's a "GASBAG"?
Per Merriam-Webster, a gasbag is (1): a bag for holding gas; (2)(informal): an idle or garrulous talker