Photos from the Boston area
- Adriano Garsia and me at a
little-known area of Cambridge (September, 1981)
- Organizers and guest of honor
at Rotafest, M.I.T. (April 1999).
- Geese (and a few pigeons) in
Cambridge (July 13, 2002).
- An edible version of M.I.T., at Toast
to Tech, June 4, 2011.
- An impressive tree in Central Square,
Cambridge (June 4, 2011).
- CCCC (Cambridge
Combinatorics and Coffee Club) and combinatorics dinners
- Clay Research Academy
- Putnam competition
- Retrospective in
Combinatorics, MIT, June 22-29, 2004
- Spies, June-September 2010
- One of M.I.T.'s greatest archaeological treasures no longer
exists, due to the retirement of Dan Kleitman. For a look at the
former glory of room 2-347, click here.
- Me with students #56, #57, and
#58: Taedong Yun, Yan Zhang ( 张研), and Nan Li
(李楠), June 6, 2013
- Me with Benjamin Iriarte (student #59) and
family, June 4, 2015