Table of Contents
Foreword: v
Preface: vii
Notation: xi
- Chapter 5: Trees and the Composition of Generating
- The exponential formula: 1
- Applications of the exponential formula: 10
- Enumeration of trees: 22
- The Lagrange inversion formula: 36
- Exponential structures: 44
- Oriented trees and the Matrix-Tree Theorem: 54
Notes: 65
References: 69
Exercises: 72
Solutions to exercises: 103
- Chapter 6: Algebraic, D-Finite, and Noncommutative
Generating Functions
- Algebraic generating functions: 159
- Examples of algebraic series: 168
- Diagonals: 179
- D-finite generating functions: 187
- Noncommutative generating functions: 195
- Algebraic formal series: 202
- Noncommutative diagonals: 209
Notes: 211
References: 214
Exercises: 217
Solutions to exercises: 249
- Chapter 7: Symmetric functions
- Symmetric functions in general: 286
- Partitions and their orderings: 287
- Monomial symmetric functions: 289
- Elementary symmetric functions: 290
- Complete homogeneous symmetric functions: 294
- An involution: 296
- Power sum symmetric functions: 297
- Specializations: 301
- A scalar product: 306
- The combinatorial definition of Schur functions: 308
- The RSK-algorithm: 316
- Some consequences of the RSK-algorithm: 322
- Symmetry of the RSK-algorithm: 324
- The dual RSK-algorithm: 331
- The classical definition of Schur functions: 334
- The Jacobi-Trudi identity: 342
- The Murnaghan-Nakayama rule: 345
- The characters of the symmetric group: 349
- Quasisymmetric functions: 356
- Plane partitions and the RSK-algorithm: 365
- Plane partitions with bounded part size: 371
- Reverse plane partitions and the Hillman-Grassl
correspondence: 378
- Applications to permutation enumeration: 382
- Enumeration under group action: 390
Notes: 396
References: 405
Appendix on Knuth equivalence, jeu de
taquin, and the Littlewood-Richardson rule
(by Sergey Fomin): 413
Appendix on The characters of
GL(n,C): 440
Exercises: 450
Solutions to exercises: 490
Index: 561
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