Problems by Computer, by François Labelle
Fascinating chess games and statistics on chess games discovered by computer.
Chess and Mathematics (12 page
PostScript or PDF file) An excerpt
(version of 1 November 1999) from
a book I am writing with
Noam Elkies.
Talk on chess and mathematics:
(PostScript or pdf) (27 pages): the second lecture in a
series of two lectures (the first given by
Noam Elkies) at M.I.T. in January 13, 2000.
Queue problems revisited (12 page PostScript or pdf
file): a paper on some chess problems related to enumerative
combinatorics, to be published in Suomen
Tehtäväniekat. The problems all have the
stipulation "Serieshelpmate in n." In such a problem,
Black moves first and makes n consecutive moves, after
which White mates Black in one move. The players are
cooperating to achieve this end. Black may not move into check
and may not check White (except possibly on his last move).